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Brenna Penner

Client Service Associate

Brenna Penner, Client Service Associate

At EQ Wealth Management

EQ Operations and Client Service professionals work hard to ensure that EQ runs smoothly and that our clients have an outstanding experience.

Brenna is passionate about working directly with clients to find ways we can best support them. Her passion is reflected in her diligence in keeping up with the evolution of our industry to ensure our team is organized and tasks are streamlined.

In addition to her role on the operations team, Brenna helps handle internal compliance, systems, processes & procedures, and more.

Previous Roles or Ventures

Brenna has been in customer service for over 18 years, having spent seven years in wealth management support as well as many years in the banking industry. She has worked with a variety of high net-worth clients and has a strong understanding of compliance and regulation laws.

Outside the Office

Illustration for Outside the Office

When she’s not at work, Brenna enjoys quality time with her husband and their energetic son and dog. Together, they love being active outdoors. Brenna also enjoys reading, sampling the local cuisine, & wine tasting.

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